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Infinitas is a large, Earth-like world located in some sort of Nexus of the multiverse. Here, a great many strange and wondrous phenomena occur to those trapped there.

The main area of play is host to a diverse peoples, host to around 65,000 sentient individuals, belonging to approximately 7000 separate (both disparate and non) species, and growing every day - not merely because of births, but also because random people are snatched from various other places in the multiverse and dropped, seemingly at random, upon the land. Needless to say, this results in a rather interesting combination of various cultures, species, languages and individuals into one patchwork.

This page will attempt to summarize what a newcomer needs to know about the setting of Infinitas, where special ops teams riding on the backs of dragons and tiny pixies holding conversations with Starfleet personnel are an everyday sight. (Note: For 2024, the year is '98')


Infinitas is host to two strange phenomena that are visible to anyone first entering. The first would be the ''Migrants''. These are microwormholes (small areas where space and time is "folded over" onto itself) that appear seemingly at random, pulling material in from other dimensions, many of which resemble fictional universes present on Earth, and many which do not. Breaches started occuring more recently, and behave differently from Migrants but largely have the same broad effect of shuffling people across the multiverse. Such phenomena are common and happen almost daily, with various people from all walks of life on all types of worlds randomly dumped into being on the island's shores.

A majority of the population on the island was originally brought there by a migrant, with only a fraction being born locally. Migrants seem to bridge across not just space and dimensions, but also time - although paradoxes haven't happened yet, it's very common to have people from the past and future of the same world brought to Infinitas. It is speculated by some that migrants might be able to allow a person to meet themselves at another point in time, but whether or not such an informational "bootstrap paradox" of this sort can happen is very heavily debated in academic circles.

The phenomenon is so common, the local cities and communities have welcome centers to tell new arrivals what happened.


The Old World of Infinitas took place on a large island surrounded by a magical fog barrier. Several factions established themselves and warred with each other for dominance. Marsilion was on the southern part of the island, and threw off the yoke of the Trade Lords, establishing a mutual Alliance with Porton and Arcford in the south.

Following an event that blocked interdimensional travel, pressure built up and lead to a breach storm which tore up the entire city of Marsilion and deposited it on the new world, an event called The Great Migration. Still called Infinitas (OOC: Because we didn't want to change the IRC room names), the people have begun to rebuild and prosper.

The Current World

The planet is a very Earth-like world, with a primarily nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, covered mostly in saltwater seas. Gravity is 9.8 m/s2, and average background radiation is only marginally higher than on Earth at sea level. The similarity to Earth, which is the world that most Humans come from, is a cause of speculation among people discussing multiversal metaphysics.

The geology is fairly similar to Earth's, primarily being composed of silicates and carbonates, though the proportions vary depending on where exactly you look. Native metals and ores are relatively easy to obtain, especially in mountainous areas, and the seawater contains pretty much every element in small concentrations.


Marsilion is located in a temperate forest on the western half an unnamed continent. It borders a large freshwater lake with several in-flowing rivers and one major out-flowing river. A large amount of the area around the city has been cleared for agricultural use. Far to the East is a range of mountains separating the temperate forests from a desert area.

The terrain around Marsilion is characterized by numerous steep hills, forested ridges, and deep river-carved valleys. Marsilion is on a relatively flat plain around Lake Moriana (which was likely much deeper in the past), but just a few miles outside of town, the hills begin.

The planet has two moons. The larger white moon Planos and the smaller blue moon Lanoas. The two moons orbit at different speeds and thus moon phases change at different rate. Most lunar effects rely on the brighter Planos but this can vary.

Flora and Fauna

Being drawn from the multiverse, the biosphere of Infinitas is highly competitive. This makes braving the wilds more dangerous than on Earth. If there was a native ecology, it's long since been supplanted by the various species that have arrived and out-performed them. Agricultural interests are always looking for new plants, both to grow and keep out of their own farm fields.

Natural Resources

Petroleum and natural gas exist on Infinitas, suggesting that life has been on the planet for eons. Other, more exotic resources exist as well. Ceruleum, a magically potent fuel, can be found in wellsprings. Magic crystals, grown from minerals interacting with local magical energies, or even just as mana crystallizing, are also relatively abundant.

Iron ores are much more abundant on the new world than the old, making industry able to take off. Bauxite deposits have been identified, but the industrial base hasn't been able to exploit it as easily for aluminum production. The introduction of a new power plant will hopefully be able to make that viable.

The Denizens of Infinitas

Most sapient beings of Infinitas coalesce towards the cities, since those areas see unusually high breach activity. In spite of that, there are plenty of wanderers, traders, and large creatures traveling the wilds between cities.

The Warlords

Deity entities, neither friend nor foe. See article for more information

Places of Interest


Main location of play. A large city town consisting of a variety of residents and areas with nearby resources.

Ban Uchar

Tribes of big cats in the East, pledged to a Fae to help defend against the demon wastes.

Port Arkpoint

Arkpoint is a large port city located some distance form Marsilion. It is a large, sprawling city built into the coastal hills. The city has few large buildings save a dome for the magitech fusion powerplant. Most of the buildings have integrated greenery.

The Forwen

A largely underground society.


Operates in close proximity to the realm of the warlord Ishrane

Casmine Alliance

An Ocean-dwelling civilization.

Magic and Technology

The base laws of physics are, as far as anyone can tell, the same on Infinitas as in our universe. This means most conventional technology works as it does on Earth with no modification. Most advanced (scifi) technologies also seem to be able to operate normally, with little adjustment.

Magic is a bit more on a case-by-case basis, but most schools of magic seem to operate as the user expects, though someone operating with advanced magic may have to rework their spells to function how they want them to. In cases where magic from different settings clash, there may be some OOC working out to do. A GM can arbitrate, or a dice roll can be used to determine which magic wins out.

Out of Character

Infinitas was established on the Sorcery.net IRC network around 2008 by Arsenic and JayEnfield. Leadership was passed to Jetman123, and then onto EliFloof. It is currently jointly run by the Game Masters. Chat was moved to Discord in April 2021, with the chatbot Koen operating an IRC bridge.